Berthoff Books

Berthoff Books

Harpers Ferry, WV, U.S.A.

Librería en AbeBooks desde 20 de junio de 2019

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Valoración 5 estrellas, Learn more about seller ratings

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Información detallada sobre el vendedor

Berthoff Books sells books formerly owned by the late Warner B. Berthoff, Professor emeritus of English and American Literature at Harvard U., and members of his family. Prof. Berthoff's books have inventory numbers starting "WBB." Some books contain marginalia by Warner Berthoff, the late Prof. Ann E. Berthoff (emerita, U. Mass-Boston, English composition and rhetoric), or others, as described in the listings. Our inventory features English and American fiction and poetry, 20th-cent. literary criticism, world literature, history, and philosophy. Other categories are history and politics of Australia, Asia, S. Africa and the Middle East; intelligence agencies and gnostic beliefs; Russian literature and criticism; Russian and Soviet history.

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Berthoff Books sells books previously owned by the late Prof. Warner B. Berthoff, Professor of English and American Literature, emeritus, at Harvard University; the late Prof. Ann E. Berthoff, Professor of English, emerita, at U. Mass.-Boston, and members of their family. Some books contain highlighting and marginalia by the Berthoffs or other previous owners, which we aim to describe accurately.

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