Symonds Rare Books Ltd

Symonds Rare Books Ltd

London, United Kingdom

+44 07984062299

Librería en AbeBooks desde 11 de enero de 2018

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Información detallada sobre el vendedor

Symonds Rare Books Ltd is the online antiquarian bookshop of Thomas J. Symonds. Thomas has been dealing with old and rare books, as well as antiques, for more than forty years. Our company aims to offer a wide range of choice antiquarian items: from early printed books covering all fields and prices, with a focus on science and philosophy, to medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, autographs, decorative prints and drawings. Symonds Rare Books offers here also a selection of fine scholarly modern editions dedicated to the History of Art, Archaeology and History of Printing, which are issued by the publishing house Pindar Press. Please visit our websites at and

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Los miembros de estas asociaciones están comprometidos a mantener los estándares más altos. Ellos garantizan la autenticidad de los artículos que ofrecen a la venta. Tienen descripciones expertas y detalladas, señalan los defectos significativos y/o restauraciones, muestran los precios exactos y llevan a cabo un servicio de imparcialidad y honestidad durante la experiencia de la compra.

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